Randy Brooks welcomed his guests from Zimbabwe, Braison Tivatyl and his wife, Grace. Image

He was the tour guide for Tom Mangold, Don Jorgensen, and Randy.in Zimbabwe.  Don and Randy invited them as their guests to come to the United States. 

On Saturday night Randy and the “Ramble On” group will be performing at Nana’s Kitchen.  You are urged to have dinner and participate in some fun fellowship.  The monies raised will be divided between Zimbabwe and the Marana Rotary Foundation.  The times are 6pm to 8pm.  Bring your friends and families.

The Tivatyl’s received the “Happy Clap”.  Don’t know what that is come to a meeting and find out.

Peter Mack introduced Katherine Nelson a feature editor at the Explorer Newspaper.

Mary Straus announced that on May 3rd Rotary will be boxing non-perishables for the Marana Community Food Bank.  For those wishing to participate some will be meeting for lunch at Cattleman’s Restaurant in Marana prior to the event.  The hours at the food bank will be from 1pm to 4pm.  Let Mary know ASAP.

We are reminded that District Conference is coming up on April 25th.  We in conjunction with Dove Mountain will host a hospitality suite.  The food and drink provided will be free.  There is always fun to be had at these venues. 

If you wish to attend the conference and not participate in the meals the cost to you is free.  The workshops and round table discussions are well worth your time.

In June Kathleen Debiak will be representing us at the international conference in Australia.  Thanks Mate.

On June 14th Maeve Johnson will turn the reins over to Kathleen Debiak.  It will be held at Lil’ Abner’s details to be announced.

John Swift presented a very comprehensive meeting on the Vision of the Marana Rotary Club. 

A couple of months ago about 14 to 15 members attended a vision meeting.  It was facilitated by two men from district.  They gave us direction in formulating ideas for the club.  Seven categories were posted on large pieces of paper.  These categories were broken down into specific ideas.  Then everyone was given a set of red dots.  These dots indicated your vote for the particular project or idea.  John presented a very inclusive report.

You are asking yourself why we need a vision.  The following are the main reasons:  to determine a direction, develop a strategic plan, realizing that all members are in the same boat and a way to inform others of our vision.  This report will now be presented to the board.

Ask John Swift for a copy of this report as it will explain the overall vision.

This vision will unify the club for the next five years.  It will give us a common goal. 

In order to have a viable club we all need to pull together and stand behind our club.  Come on people let’s be a Rotary Club and not a bunch of people getting together to have breakfast and tell each other how great we are.