Club Information
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Marana (AZ)
We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 7:00 a.m.
Conference Room -- Marana Civic Center (1st and 3rd Tuesdays only)
11555 W Civic Center Dr
Marana, AZ 85653
United States of America
Hybrid format on the first 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month; via Zoom only on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. On the 5th Tuesday, you’ll find us at a community service project or enjoying each other’s company at a club social.
Club Meeting Minutes
Location-ZOOM Virtual Meeting
Attendees: Andrea De La Cruz, Don and Kathy Jorgensen, John and Cindy Dooling, Harold Burtzloff, Laura Clymer, Beckie Penman, Bob Bishop, Dan Contorno, Peter Mack, Christine Leonard
Tech troubles with audio for Andrea and video for Christine created a slight delay to the Pledge and start of the meeting.
President De La Cruz announced we will return to the Northwest Fire District Training facility next week after a lengthy absence. The meeting will be hybrid.
Much discussion regarding future speakers. Bob Bishop has done a remarkable job but does need all of our support and suggestions. Mark Goligoski's wife is the Principal at the new MUSD STEM high school located at Wade and Silverbell roads. She will be our speaker in the near future as well as will be the MUSD Public Safety Officer. Christine Leonard will arrange for member CPR training at three consecutive meetings. Finally, the 2/18/2025 meeting will be held at MCAT.
Dan reports that we have well over 100 riders signed up for Tour de Cookie with $7,000 in revenue already in the bank. We do need sponsors and cookie booth operators. John will attend tomorrow's Chamber meeting and get the word out there. Christine will try to get word to neighborhood association newsletters and Don Jorgensen suggested word to District for Impact newsletter. Laura mentioned that she liked having "lead" charity as a focal point of our fundraiser and hope we can do the same in years to come.
Happy Bucks
Harold-Surprised with a new granddaughter a few days ago! Congratulations!
Beckie-Enjoyed time with grandkids at Polar Express and Grand Canyon
Peter-In Canary Islands again and weather is perfect. Was in Baden Baden for New Years Eve.
Cindy-Survived 34 family members at our home Christmas Day
John-A few weeks after CPR training in 1977 he used it to save the life of his father, separating a few ribs from his dad's sternum in the process.  Deer hunted with three grandsons. No deer but did teach them, Euchre card game.
Don-Visit to Williamsburg and FBI Headquarter's tour. Also visited Jamestown. Happy to get away before storm hit
Kathy- Read a book to her granddaughter about an elephant that could not stop sneezing. Cured with acupuncture!??!? Lots of wind in Virginia.
Bob-Lots of snow in Virginia. Toured DC capitol building and amazed at it's heighth. Statue of Liberty can fit inside.  Enjoying time with grandkids
Laura-Slow two weeks at work and she is happy about that. Starting to get busy again. Her University of AZ Legal Writing class has thirty students signed up (ten over the twenty cap) She negotiated for more lucre and is happy that the big sign up is reflective word of mouth regards the quality of instruction.
Dan-Reflected on the time his mom attempted a tour of the FBI Headquarters with a can of mace on her keychain! Has a new to him road bike and used it to ride the Tour de Cookie path and make adjustments to same.
Christine-Quite quality time at home and work
Andrea-Enjoyed the timing of Christmas and New Years being on Wednesday with days off and back at work schedule.
Andre spoke briefly regarding new dues structure for businesses. To be presented at next board meeting.
Meeting adjourned with the recitation of The Four Way Test.
Location: ZOOM
Speaker: Don Jorgensen/Shelterbox
Attendees: Harold Burtzloff, Don and Kathy Jorgensen, John and Cindy Dooling, Beckie Penman, Peter Mack, Bob Bishop
In President Andrea's absence meeting called to order with Pledge of Allegiance by John Dooling at 7:05am.
The meeting began with a strong rendition of Row, Row Your Boat! It was so loud one might swear that Dan Contorno was in the choir.
A reminder that our annual Christmas dinner party will be held this Thursday starting at 6pm at Lil Abners Steakhouse.
No meeting in the next two weeks. Our next meeting, with a little luck, will be at the NWFD Training Facility! President Andrea will keep us informed.
Cindy advised we may sponsor two students at RYLA. One from MVHS and one from MHS. Mark is working on this. There are twenty plus openings per DG Archibald.
Don advises the week of April 23 will be Rotary Days of Service. Possibly an ecological project and in coordination with another club. 
Happy Bucks
Harold-Looking forward to Thursday dinner
Kathy-Looking forward to seeing Jana and Ryan. Jana back from Guantanamo
Beckie-NOT happy about dark mornings. Looking forward to Flagstaff and the visit to Polar Express with six- and two-year-old grandkids
Don-Headed east and may visit Bob at the end of December
Peter-Like Harold, looking forward to Thursday dinner
Cindy-Bathroom remodel to end today!!! Cleaners tomorrow!!!
John-$30 for a $5 breakfast as club representative to Marana Chamber meeting. Hunting deer with grandsons. No deer but great bonding.
Don Jorgensen, Shelterbox Ambassador for AZ, shared his slide presentation regarding Shelterbox.
All members are familiar with Shelterbox as we as a club have donated $14,000 over the past few years.
Shelterbox founded by English Rotarians in 2000 and officially partnered with Rotary in 2012. Now, rather than a shelter "box" with tents etc., there is a Shelter "Bag" with tarps, blankets, solar lights, water purifier and other items based on location and need. There is a greater attempt to source bag contents from local merchants to help restore the economy to devastated areas. Their longest stay has been in Syria. They now have half a dozen satellite offices around the globe, main headquarters in Cromwell, England.
Donations can be made by visiting Shelterbox.ORG
Meeting concluded at 7:55am with recitation of the Four Way Test.

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke shared information about the upcoming international project to build a house in a day in Mexico. Read about it in our July 2 meeting minutes.

2024-25 Marana Rotary President Andrea De La Cruz addresses club members at her installation dinner ceremony at Li’l Abner’s Steakhouse.
We enjoyed meeting our neighbors at the 2023 Marana Fall Festival, and look forward to seeing our friends at the town's Holiday Lights and Christmas Tree Lighting from 3 to 9 p.m, Saturday Dec. 2.
Marana Club News
The Rotary Club of Marana hosts hybrid meetings. Visitors are always welcome. To receive a link to join our meeting via Zoom, text to 520-909-9162 with your name.
Learn how, together, we can spread the magic of Rotary to make the world a better place.
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Programs Director
Service Projects
Public Relations
The Rotary Foundation
Marana Rotary Foundation Chair
Tour de Cookie Co-Chair
Tour de Cookie Co-Chair
Youth Service
Youth Service
Operations and Technical Support
Rotary International
Jimmy Carter's vision for peace

This story appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine.  It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in

Espresso in a war zone

Adventure or misadventure, roving correspondent Scott Simon finds enlightenment in a life of travels

The liberation of Julie Mulligan

After being kidnapped abroad, Rotarian Julie Mulligan set out to live a more authentic life of Service Above Self

MCAT Star Student
The Marana Career & Technical High School (MCAT) is an opportunity for Marana High School and Mountain View High School Students to learn and earn academic credit in a non-traditional educational setting. The Marana Rotary Club has recognized students from MCAT for more than 25 years.
MCAT "Star Students" honored quarterly for the Rotary year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
  • September:  Zarvia Condova
  • November:  Naveah Haish
MCAT "Star Students" honored quarterly for the Rotary year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:
  • September: Ysabella Gonzalez
  • April: Princess Ibarra
MCAT "Star Students" honored quarterly for the Rotary year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023:
  • April: Carina Murphy
  • February: Christian Maldonado
  • November: Harlie Wagner
MCAT "Students of the Month" for the Rotary year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 were:
  • September: Noah  Romero
  • October: Paris Fisher
  • January: Jake Weller
  • February: Lilliana
  • April: Brisel Riveria
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