Location-ZOOM Virtual Meeting
Attendees: Andrea De La Cruz, Don and Kathy Jorgensen, John and Cindy Dooling, Harold Burtzloff, Laura Clymer, Beckie Penman, Bob Bishop, Dan Contorno, Peter Mack, Christine Leonard
Tech troubles with audio for Andrea and video for Christine created a slight delay to the Pledge and start of the meeting.
President De La Cruz announced we will return to the Northwest Fire District Training facility next week after a lengthy absence. The meeting will be hybrid.
Much discussion regarding future speakers. Bob Bishop has done a remarkable job but does need all of our support and suggestions. Mark Goligoski's wife is the Principal at the new MUSD STEM high school located at Wade and Silverbell roads. She will be our speaker in the near future as well as will be the MUSD Public Safety Officer. Christine Leonard will arrange for member CPR training at three consecutive meetings. Finally, the 2/18/2025 meeting will be held at MCAT.
Dan reports that we have well over 100 riders signed up for Tour de Cookie with $7,000 in revenue already in the bank. We do need sponsors and cookie booth operators. John will attend
tomorrow's Chamber meeting and get the word out there. Christine will try to get word to neighborhood association newsletters and Don Jorgensen suggested word to District for Impact newsletter. Laura mentioned that she liked having "lead" charity as a focal point of our fundraiser and hope we can do the same in years to come.
Happy Bucks
Harold-Surprised with a new granddaughter a few days ago! Congratulations!
Beckie-Enjoyed time with grandkids at Polar Express and Grand Canyon
Peter-In Canary Islands again and weather is perfect. Was in Baden Baden for New Years Eve.
Cindy-Survived 34 family members at our home Christmas Day
John-A few weeks after CPR training in 1977 he used it to save the life of his father, separating a few ribs from his dad's sternum in the process. Deer hunted with three grandsons. No deer but did teach them, Euchre card game.
Don-Visit to Williamsburg and FBI Headquarter's tour. Also visited Jamestown. Happy to get away before storm hit
Kathy- Read a book to her granddaughter about an elephant that could not stop sneezing. Cured with acupuncture!??!? Lots of wind in Virginia.
Bob-Lots of snow in Virginia. Toured DC capitol building and amazed at it's heighth. Statue of Liberty can fit inside. Enjoying time with grandkids
Laura-Slow two weeks at work and she is happy about that. Starting to get busy again. Her University of AZ Legal Writing class has thirty students signed up (ten over the twenty cap) She negotiated for more lucre and is happy that the big sign up is reflective word of mouth regards the quality of instruction.
Dan-Reflected on the time his mom attempted a tour of the FBI Headquarters with a can of mace on her keychain! Has a new to him road bike and used it to ride the Tour de Cookie path and make adjustments to same.
Christine-Quite quality time at home and work
Andrea-Enjoyed the timing of Christmas and New Years being on Wednesday with days off and back at work schedule.
Andre spoke briefly regarding new dues structure for businesses. To be presented at next board meeting.
Meeting adjourned with the recitation of The Four Way Test.
Marana, AZ 85653
United States of America