What is a Paul Harris Fellow?
When $US1000 is contributed to The Rotary Foundation, a request can be made for an individual to be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow;
that person can be a Rotarian or a member of the community who is not a Rotarian.
Julee Baxley | Fred Pruetzel |
Fran Bickart | William R. Rankin |
Harold Burtzloff | Otavio Martins Soares |
Cheryl Cage | Vickie Soman |
Daniel Contorno | Michael Teodori |
Kathleen D. Debiak | Javier Teran |
James R. DeGrood | Janice L. Truitt |
Jeanne Gachon | Theresa Van Hook |
Mauricio Gasparini | Victor G. DeNigris |
Harold Hancock | Donald G. Jorgensen, Jr. |
Ora Harn | James Pyne |
Vergene Horie | George F. Rigney |
Debra C. Hume | Bill Stanley |
Gerald A. Kersenbrock | Mary Straus |
Steven Kreamer | James R. West |
Peter Mack | John H. Zwick |
Thomas Mangold | Jane Howell |
Henry D. Marshall | John Dooling |
Michael Mencinger | William J. Horie |
Stephen J. Poling | Randy Brooks |
Tony Hunter | Denise West |
Bob Bishop | Cindy Dooling |
Beckie Penman |