Submitted by Randy B, who is filling in for Mary Straus …… please don’t be to judgmental or you will be the next scribe.
Attending: John D., Don, Mary Bob Laura, Dan, Peter, Harold, Beckie, Richie, Carl and our special guest Brian Clymer (brother of Laura and presenter today). Welcome Brian.
Randy gave an overview of our club member’s suggestions for being engaged in our community. He and John will speak soon because Randy is leaving for a three week trip to his cabin in the northwestern US where it is so remote very little phone connection is available.  Sorry my friends.
Happy bucks …. I am sure I missed a few of you but gave it a college try:
Dan, going to Idaho for a week fishing; for some reason Harold celebrating the quarantine (this might have been misunderstood by me). Randy going to Washington, will socially distance but attending a funeral and wedding. Bob is happy he is now $65.00 in the hole for happy bucks and is bobbing on the lake.  Makes me wonder how deep the rest of us are.  I will match Bob. Don is happy that he is leaving Thursday for Seattle, and overjoyed that he has completed the first draft of his book.  It is about his last vacation a few weeks ago to Antarctica, Wondering if it is possible for him to relax.  Mary was on the meeting as she was driving to San Diego to have a few days with friends … cool you can Zoom while zooming down the road.  Laura is happy she is busy at work, please note her brother (whom she works with) was in attendance today. Lynne is excited that taxes are to be completed tomorrow.  Said she was happy but while smiling was simultaneously sobbing in her granola. Peter was happy that he was on Mount Lemmon checking out the telescopes. Gave us a peek at how is looks up there.  Most of the damage noticed was on the far side of the mountain. Beckie, happy her daughter is selling to her partner Jackpot Veterinary Clinic.  They seem to be exploring different specialties. Richie, working on projects around the house and sees “too happy” that he has a new mattress. Carl only person wearing a tie, says his family is good. John took his teenage grandchildren fishing and seemed quite excited.  He is the only one allowed to bait his hook.
Guest Speaker: Brian Clymer, Esq., Attorney at Law.  Brian is received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and later came to his senses and attended the U of A law school He is a wildcat through and through. He is noted for writing for the handbook of workman’s disability for the AZ Bar Association …… I know this wording is probably wrong ….. However, let’s us celebrate my attempt to be nearly accurate. He is on the Board of Directors of Legal Aid as well as a mentor to others and again, our own Lynne’s brother. 
Brain started by indicating the Social Security was developed to provide economic security to all of us in our golden years (I for one am not seeing the gold). Social Security Disability developed in 1950 for those whom have paid into the system could be paid in part by the contributions made by the employee while they were working. It is not SSI …. Which is for economically challenged folks.
To be eligible for Social Security Disability they must; prove the inability to work for 12 months or, I assume be terminal, they must show medical records showing demonstrating the disability 3-4 months before the agency makes a decision. 75% of the claims will be denied. They may include the necessity of the claimant to see an Agency physician. The claimant with then wait another three or so months for a determination.  Again the denial rate is about 90%. They are able to ask for a hearing that will take about a year.  Average monthly payout is $1,237.74, a surviving spouse will receive $1194.01 and dependent children about $886.49.
The process over the years has appeared to become more adversarial.  Remember this is not an entitlement program.  Those filing must have exhaustive documentation, letters from family are often ignored.
Brian offer to see a friend of a member for no fee for an assessment.
Thank you Brian, great presentation.  Now about your sister ………..