Marana Rotary Club
April 25, 2023 weekly meeting
Laura called the yybrid meeting to order at 7:00 AM with the pledge of allegiance.
A Board meeting will immediately follow today’s regular meeting. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Saturday, May 6- District 5500 assembly from 9AM-12PM for training leaders, current and incoming. Training will address officer responsibilities such as Treasurer, Secretary, grant funding, Foundation, etc. All training is via Zoom. No charge to attend. Register on District 5500 website.
In May, there are five Tuesdays, the last of which occurs on Memorial Day weekend.  Laura is suggesting, a social gathering to replace our business meeting on May 23.  Laura suggested that the gathering take place at the Homeplate. Conflicts in peoples’ schedule were complicated; therefore, the exact time and date will be revisited.
May 25- MCAT Graduation held at Marana Middle School, at 7PM.  Please let Laura know who plans to attend as Denise Green (formerly Coronado) will hold seats for our attendees.
June 23- Cathy’s installation as Marana Rotary Club President.
June 25- Don Jorgenson’s installation as District 5500 Governor
Laura reported that the Tour de Cookie net profit easily exceeded $14,000; a clear record for this club’s event. 
Laura indicated that a funding request will be put before the Board at today’s meeting to support Marana High School Graduation Night program. The program is designed to provide graduates with an evening of fun, partially to deter them from more mischievous activities. Dan said this event is worthwhile and is expensive to undertake. Don J. encouraged our participation, mentioning that the Club will receive recognition, particularly through social media.  Club members were very supportive. Upon a question as to whether our support could be applied to other high schools, Dan said each school undertakes their own funding for these events.
Happy Bucks
  • Andrea gets extra Happy Bucks time following her wedding!  The wedding went perfectly, and Andrea can now enjoy some relief.  About 90 people attended her wedding in Puerto Vallarta, Thursday through Sunday with lots of festivities and gathering with family and friends.  A short video will be forthcoming at our next meeting.
  • Dan reports that he is weening away from Direct TV with plans to go to streaming.   Good luck, Dan, and keep us posted.
  • Mark attended a school security conference in Phoenix; a task which has become, unfortunately, necessary in today’s world.
  • Cathy had survived her daughter’s second prom as her daughter’s boyfriend attends a different school; hence the two-for-one privilege.   Cathy is excited to be starting Monday at her new responsibilities for Iskashitaa, a refugee settlement organization.
  • Mary was enjoying the perfect weather on her patio and is very proud of her daughter who is graduating soon from high school.
  • Randy lamented that his outdoor music gazebo was suffering from dry-rot and was happy to have his neighbor to help as well as watch his house while he is in Washington State for the summer.
  • Bob is leaving for Virginia tomorrow, with a stop in Oklahoma.
  • Cindy D. is happy to have their new washing machine which is much quieter.
  • John D. happily endured 8 hours of track meet where the grandkids did well. 
  • Don J. was getting ready to head to Seattle where he can, hopefully, take a reprieve from four days per week immersed in Rotary.
  • Cathy J. was looking forward to having friends visit while Don is in Seattle.
  • Beckie was happy to have been able to celebrate her granddaughter birthday.
  • Harold was recovering from a Mohs procedure.
  • Laura was basking in the perfect weather of recent days.
Laura adjourned the meeting early at 7:50AM and convened the Board meeting
Andy Swarthout (any errors are mine and mine alone!)