The club honored its MCAT star student and finalized logistics for the April 15 forum on human trafficking.
Marana Rotary Club
April 4, 2023 weekly meeting
Laura called the Zoom only meeting to order at 7:10 AM with the pledge of allegiance.
Laura introduced the MCAT Student of the Month, Carina Murphy, and her father, Kevin.
There will be a planning session at the end of our meeting today.
Laura mentioned that  there were very few milestones this month, the biggest of which is Harold’s celebration of 51 years of marriage to Helen. Congratulations you two lovebirds!
Significant dates coming up include:
  • April 15, the Human Trafficking Forum, more from Randy and Mary later.
  • April 29- President Elect Training
  • May 6- Rotary Spring Learning Assembly, training for Rotary Club leaders, on line from 9AM to noon.  Registration will be available soon, there is no cost.
  • May 23- a social event is being considered at Home Run restaurant.
  • May 25- graduation ceremonies at MCAT, seats have been reserved for our club members attending
  • June 23- installation of our incoming President, Cathy.
  • June 25- installation of the Don as District Governor.
  • Oct 5-6- District Conference, Casino del Sol
Happy Bucks
  • Cindy was happy for having 4 outstanding, outbound students in Youth Exchange and held a recent celebration.
  • Randy was excited for the upcoming Human Trafficking Forum (“HTF”), 99 registered so far.  He also caught up with Happy Bucks donating $20.
  • Harold was happy to be back in person, and only missed one meeting during his procedure and recovery.
  • John gave kudos to Cindy and amazed at how she has taken on the YE program with such success and dedication.  Oh, he also finished the kitchen sink project without incident.
  • Bob was happy for the support he has gotten for guest speakers.
  • Don mentioned he was very impressed with the results of this year’s YE Program, and gave kudos to Cindy
  • Carol was happy to have recovered enough from recent illness to have played Pickleball yesterday.
  • Cathy was preparing for a big day at the Farm where volunteers were to gather today.
  • Beckie was catching up on her work load, finally, and congratulated Karina, Student of the Month.  She reminded everyone to pay their Happy Bucks online!
  • Andy was sorry that the March Madness Tournament was over; but added that he was happy to hear that, for the first time, ticket prices for the women’s tournament exceeded those of the men. About time.
  • Mary said she missed the days when Student of the Quarter was Student of the Month.
  • Peter was simply feeling happy
  • Laura was happy that Spring had finally sprung and that her citrus trees were in bloom.
Student of the Month (or Quarter??)
MCAT Principal Denise Green introduced Carina, mentioning that Carina had already graduated. Carina recently lost her mom, very suddenly, who she leaned on her entire life. A loss for which she is dealing with tremendous grace and courage. Carina overcame social anxieties becoming a student administrative assistant at school. She learned to play the violin from her Irish nana
Carina says she wants to start and own a retail business. She loves connecting with people ad her music tells her story. She also loves to read. College is still a question she is considering.
Carina is yet another great example of the students that pass through our MCAT program.
Human Trafficking Forum, update
Randy reports 99 people have registered and reminded everyone to register.  The AZ Daily Star has carried a press release and the Marana newspaper will run a story.  Speakers are numerous, including an executive from Motel 6 (a Company which has made great strides in education its staffs on the signs of human trafficking), the leader of the Rotary Action Group, Dept. of Homeland Security, and various authorities on law enforcement and treatment options.
There are 16 Peace Clubs involved; however, the Marana Club is the driver. Topics for the Forum will address legislation, enforcement, treatment, identifying trafficking situations, private business involvement, to name but a few.
Randy thanked deeply Mary’s co-leadership in the planning and execution; he could not have done this without her and it has been an ENORMOUS effort. The event has taken on a great deal of importance, high-profile, and meaningful to our communities. Super-kudos to Randy and Mary!!!  HTF may become one the most important and enduring initiatives undertaken by the Marana Rotary Club (note: writer’s editorial opinion).
Volunteer needs were discussed. Help is needed for parking assistance and signage (John and Bob), ice (John), VIP assistance (Randy, Mary, Ellie), helping lost souls (Don and Cathy J.), tables (there are 18 sponsors!), lunch (Carol, Cathy J., Bob), and registration (Cathy L.)
Don noted that the start time is confusing in various sources of information. Clarify times in our media; registration and breakfast opens at 8 a.m., the Forum begins at 9 a.m.
Andy Swarthout (any errors are mine and mine alone!)