Meeting minutes, August 10, 2021
Mary welcomed our guest (and future club member?) from Felicia's Farms, Kathy Lowling.
Randy announced:
  • The District is seeking a new chair for the Right to End Polio by year-end
  • The District Conference (Oct. 29-30) has only 17 registrants; please consider registration
  • The District is also seeking Youth Exchange Officer
  • RILA- members please consider bringing forth candidates.  The funding ($450/attendee) needs to be established by end of August.  Mary indicated that Kathy’s daughter may be interested.
  • Ernie is soon to leave ICU, is speaking (a big step!) and aims to do the Kids Ride in the Tour de Tucson.  Richie corrected to read “The Fun Ride”.
Mary had two announcements:
  • A sign-up sheet has been prepared for the 2 X/month produce delivery from FF to the Picture Rocks Community Center.
  • On August 21st the Town of Marana will deliver the rocks for the Peace Pole Garden.  Volunteers needed!!!
Harold announced that for the 5th Tuesday social event this month (August 30th) there will be a tour of the Marana Health facility beginning at 7AM; breakfast possibilities to follow the tour.
A discussion ensued regarding in-person versus hybrid versus virtual meetings in the face of rising concerns over the Delta Variant.  Consensus was to continue status quo; however, Randy asked that anyone uncomfortable not attend in person and that everyone attending in person PLEASE wear a mask.
Since we did not have a speaker, Randy asked for members to think about and share why we were Rotary members.  The themes centered around fellowship and projects for the betterment of our communities, local and abroad.  Many expressed the relatively small size of our club and, therefore the efficiency and passion behind our projects.   Many referred to the ability to effect youth and pointed to their many positive and life-changing experiences with their involvement through exchange programs.  Most agreed that the comradery of such a small but generous club was the motivator for being in Rotary.  John compared the club to a secular church where he has made close friends in six countries.  Sulee joined for business reasons; however, three youth exchange students changed their lives.  Bob described a similar story after having taken in the first five Russian students after Glasnov and introducing them to capitalism.
Happy Bucks
Harold was happy to have found his raincoat
John D. was just happy.  He reported that his mountain biking injuries were improving.
Peter related the emotional encounter with a procession of 200 emergency vehicles commemorating the recent death of a Tucson paramedic.
Denise loves the rain but not the abundance of resulting flies.  Her car is now safe as Carl has purchased a new car
Laura happily scored 4 season tickets to the UA Women’s Basketball games.  Everyone instantly became her best friend.
Mary was happy to have ridden to the meeting with Kathy of FF
Richie was happy that his new digs did not flood and that his roof was undamaged….unlike so many of his new neighbors
Denise was happy to have had Laura drop by the store.  She was also proud of the generosity of our club
Don was happy to have seen family and friends back east and was trying to find his way home during the airline chaos
Sulee was happy to have cleaned up after flooding
Bob was looking forward to Randy’s (brief) visit to Virginian
Randy was happy to advise Bob that he wouldn’t stay more than 90 days and was looking forward to the prolonged visit
Andy was happy that the horrendous wildfire smoke was clearing in southern Utah in time to watch the meteor showers
Andy Swarthout, Secretary