Our meeting began with the pledge followed by words of wisdom from David Hindman regarding the power of a positive attitude. There were no "guests" this morning, but we did welcome Mirabel and soon to be new member Jason Halper.
Happy Bucks came from:
Lori-Great Pyrenees accepted into Obedience School 
Dan-Sixteen year old daughter Chelsi lasted 30 days before a minor fender bender
Tony-Parents visiting
Richie-Football Season
Lynne-Bad Jobs(I have no idea what I mean by that or what she said)
Bob- On the road to recovery after a rough patch with the flu.
Denise-Disneyland! Denise was also our lottery winner and loser.
WARNING: Do not ask Maeve what you call a seagull by the bay.
We next celebrated Rotary Membership month with the swearing in of Jason Halper as our newest member.(see I told you above it would be soon.) Jason has a background in scouting, he is an Eagle Scout, and various forms of law enforcement. Presently employed by Truly Nolen, Jason made a presentation that rodents everywhere would take exception to. We learned of the packrat breeding cycle, nesting habits, dietary preferences, use of whiskers and that peanut flavored wire harnesses are not a good thing in the Sonoran Desert. A final bit of advice-If you pour predator urine, mothballs, Irish Spring soap and hot peppers into a bucket then stir it up and pour onto your auto engine it is a waste of time.
Thank you to Bob Bishop, Denise West and family and Jo Holt for stepping up to assist with the Picture Rocks Food Bank Distribution tomorrow.
Next week our speaker is Bouba Hamadou. In two weeks we will discuss club projects, budgets and Rotary calendars.