Sheron Jones is a Gold Star Mother who lost her son, Army Staff Sgt. Darrel Kasson, in Iraq in 2007. Sharon Jones shared her son's story and how the Rotary Club of Marana can support honoring our veterans at Evergreen Cemetery. 
Rotary Club of Marana Meeting
June 18, 2024
Call to Order & Welcome
Meeting was called to order at 7:10am.
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcements & Discussion
  • President Installation is scheduled for June 19th at 6:00pm at Lil Abner’s.
  • Governor’s Installation for District 5500 was held on Saturday, June 15 at Sonoita Fairgrounds. Don Jorgensen shared it was a great event and a nice turnout. He mentioned it was great hearing about all the projects clubs have engaged in throughout the year.
  • John Dooling shared that through the Rotary Vocational Fund we are supporting an individual who will be going through truck driving school. The truck driving school has already received the check for $2,000.
  • Christine Leonard mentioned she heard from North West Fire District’s Assistant Chief and the Training Center may be available in October (the earliest).
  • Laura Clymer mentioned that the Board had a scheduled meeting on June 16 to discuss next year’s budget. However, we did not have a quorum to approve the budget. The club is in good standing in terms of next year's budget and Andrea De La Cruz will lead the discussion at the start of the new Rotary year.
  • Andrea De La Cruz mentioned the Club’s Visioning Session will be held on June 28th at 5:00 p.m. or June 29th at 9:00 a.m.
Happy Bucks
All members of the club shared why they are happy.
Guest Speaker: Sheron Jones
Sheron Jones is a Gold Star Mother who lost her son Army Staff Sgt. Darrel Kasson in Iraq. Sheron Jones shared her son’s story and the importance of continuing to honoring our soldiers even after their death. She mentioned Evergreen Cemetery has over 16,000 Veteran graves. As lead coordinator, she wants to make sure the public honors the veteran’s at least once a year. Her goal is to raise enough money to be able to place a wreath on every grave (approximately $17/grave). Sheron Jones provided her contact information and shared how the club can donate to purchase wreaths.
4 Way Test & Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.