Rotary Club of Marana Meeting Minutes
We were saddened to hear of the passing of a long-time, vital Rotary Club of Marana club member, David Lightfoot.  David left our club approximately 6 years ago after he retired and moved to Phoenix.  He is remembered affectionately and with respect.  Our hearts are with his family.
Today we were honored with the presence of our District Governor.  Thank you DG Diane for visiting and keeping us connected to the District.
Club Business:
  • Randy brought forward a tri-club, tri-country service project to consider.  A subsequent motion was made and passed.  We are joining a club in Sonora, Mex. and one in Canada in the purchase of much needed oxygen tanks and tubes that will be donated to a hospital in Sonora. 
  • DG Diane recommended observing the Youth 4-Way Test Speech Contest which will be virtual.
  • Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) will be held virtually April 10th and 24th and May 8th.  Diane encouraged new and old to attend; even graduates of old will be refreshed and learn of changes.
  • DG Diane’s District Conference will be held virtually on June 4th and 5th.
  • Michael Drake is starting a new District 5500, Eco Club.  Environment has become Rotary International’s 7th Avenue of Service.
  • A/V needs discussed in anticipation of hybrid meetings.  DG Diane and Joe Hentges are meeting to research and will make recommendations to the District.  Diane did recommend Microphone and Headset for people having difficulty hearing. 
  • Don has successfully organized our Paper Shredding and Electronics Recycling Fundraiser.  It will be held Saturday April 17th from 9am to noon at Harkins Theater.   A Shreddit truck and Urban Miners will be there.  We will charge $20/car with up to 3 boxes plus $10 additional per box and for electronics.  Becky will process fees.  Suelee will design marketing material.  Don has reached out to interact club for support.  Many thanks to Don for initiating and organizing this event. 
Happy Bucks
  • Harold is happily post-vaccine and is staying safe following all rules.
  • Randy’s two-week, post-vaccine period has passed, and he can now party hardy.  He thanked club for being brutally honest about his performance last week, when technology failed him.  We are hoping he will come back for an encore.
  • Suelee is happy to be with us. 
  • Joyce has had her 1st covid shot and will be returning home on March 31st.  While we’re sorry for her to leave, she can’t wait to be with her husband and animals. 
  • Laura had an oral argument on her police PTSD case and was pleased with how it went despite being unsure of the outcome.
  • Don is one week outside his first covid shot.  He is  also very relieved his good friend had a successful triple bypass during the week. 
  • Richie’s obsessive tendencies are being tested while his house is in disarray getting ready for the big move.
  • Beckie and Karl had their 2nd shot.  Becky can hardly wait to run to the salon and chop off her locks.
  • Denise had an unnerving experience yesterday.  What she thought might be a stroke; sudden sight loss and nausea, turned out to be an optical migraine.  Thank goodness.
  • Mary’s very happy Suelee has rejoined our club. 
  • Peter  has had a scare with his mother who tripped while carrying her groceries in her home town of Mancester.  He is hearing good news of her recovery but is not liking being so far across the pond from her.   
  • Andrew meandered southward from Oregon to Utah and is now back in AZ.  He scoring first vaccine in Utah and will be looking for a place to score his second here.
  • Dan shared that a friend died tragically after he hit a pole while on a bicycle ride.  He asked us to keep the man’s family in our thoughts and hearts.
  • Dave is excited that his daughter joined the school tennis team and has her first match this Saturday.
  • Diane was pleased to report on a successful first virtual RYLA.  The kids loved it and didn’t want to leave at its conclusion. 
  • As we have discussion of our A/V needs, John remembers being in awe of overhead projectors.  He is also in awe that he is turning 72 on the 13th, in just a few days.
Laura introduced us to the community outreach team from Northwest Fire Department.  Laura sang their praises in her interactions with them as her mother aged.
Joining us were Veronica, who has been with District for 20 years, Tom, who has been with the District for 18 years, and Amy, a newcomer from Oregon since 2017.
Tom Krike for 18 years
The Team spoke with us about home safety…
Safety for Older Adults; Fire and Fall Prevention. 
Smoke Alarm Safety
  • There should be at least one alarm installed in a main hallway, and, ideally, one in each bedroom.
  • Alarms should be tested one time per month.
  • Alarms should be replaced every 10 years.
  • Individuals with hearing impairment might consider a Strobe Alarm.
  • Carbon Monoxide alarms should also be installed;  one outside each sleeping area.  There are some alarms that have dual, smoke and carbon dioxide, detection.
  • There is new technology with alarms that will differentiate between cooking burn smoke and fire smoke.
  • There are ADA compliant alarms that have strobes and a vibrating pad that goes under your pillow.
Electrical Safety
  • Space heaters need to be placed at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn.  Don’t run heaters for more than 2 hours.  The heat can conduct to the outlet and become a fire hazard.  .
  • Extension Cords should only be used on a temporary basis and not with big appliances.
  • Surge Protectors protect from surges from electrical storms.  Arc Protectors protect against electrical surges that occur from arcs in home. 
  • Never Run extension cords under rugs or mats.  They are a tripping hazard, and insulation breaks down when repeatedly stomped on creating fire hazard.
Fall Prevention
Falling is not a normal part of aging.  What’s causing them?
  • Improve lighting inside and outside our homes
  • Get yearly eye exams.
  • Exercise regularly to build strength and maintain coordination.  Do it with friends.
  • Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on shower floors.  Install grab bars.
  • Clean spilled liquids immediately.
  • Know our physical limits!
  • Know your medications and side effects.  Talk with your doctor and pharmacist.
Home Escape Plan
  • Plan 2 home escape plans and practice them.
  • Make sure windows and doors open easily.
  • Have necessary items near your bed; glasses, medications, ambulatory devices, flashlight and whistle.  These items can make a sudden escape successful. 
Many thanks to the Northwest Fire Department for the important information and for its concern and advocacy in our community.
Submitted by Mary Straus,