Marana Rotary Club
Meeting minutes September 7, 2021
Next Tuesday, September 14th, the meeting (hybrid) will be held at Mary’s house at 7AM and will include a guest speaker and the induction of Kathy Lowling into our club.  The guest speaker will be Amanda, the CEO of the Marana Chamber of Commerce.  Amanda was scheduled to speak today; however, technical problems precluded the ability to have an effective presentation.
The meeting began with numerous glitches and frustration.  Peter, Harold, Mary and others did their level best to overcome audio and video connection issues.  The meeting was indeed hybrid with some using their phones and Mary refereeing communications using various devices.  We discussed ideas going forward including going purely hybrid and/or purchasing a laptop which would be set up for and dedicated to our meetings.  Harold will attend the Dove Mountain hybrid meeting this Thursday to observe how they deal with the venue.  Randy suggested calling a special board meeting within one week to weigh different solutions for presentation to the club. 
Happy Bucks (abbreviated)
Randy was elated to have encountered an albino wild turkey (proof unknown) during his travels in northeastern Washington state this morning on his way to an internet connection. 
Laura shared her happiness after just having four of her siblings visiting after a long absence
Others present were certainly happy; however, reports were skipped due to the late start this morning.
  • Mary reported that the District grant for Felicia’s Farm was approved in the amount of $1666.  She relayed a note from the District commending our club on our ongoing efforts towards improving our local community.
  • At the recent Board meeting, Harold and John raised the less-than-ideal conditions at the site where Felicia’s Farms produce were being delivered.  Sulee has identified a domestic violence shelter site as an alternative delivery point.  Mary asked for thoughts on other possible beneficiaries for the produce.
  • Harold advised that efforts were underway to have our next Social meeting (fifth week in November) at the 309 Air Museum
Committee Reports
Mary gave an update on special projects, time having run short at our last meeting: 
  • Cameroon Project- Bouba has reached out to the leader of the Women’s training association to resolve administrative challenges.  The group is expected to be back up and running soon.
  • Shelter Box- We expect to again participate in the program for the third year
  • Peace Garden (aka Peace Pole)- further arrangement is ongoing.  Final arrangement awaits Randy’s return next week
  • Holiday family support- we need to determine candidate families
  • MCAT- Kathy Lowling’s daughter, Amanda, has been approved as a student for RILA.  We could support another candidate; however, it is likely too late to submit application
Mary asked the club to consider additional projects.  Randy suggested club members volunteer to visit assisted living, especially memory-assisted living facilities as a club support project.  The idea was enthusiastically embraced.  Also consider Veteran homes
Andy Swarthout, Secretary